Legs - Thighs and Calves
It is usually a lack of trained muscles in the legs which disturbs us most, particularly in
conjunction with areas of cellulite in the thigh area. Targeted muscle training for the front
and back of the thigh and calves is very simple to perform.
16.3 Electrode Pad Placement for IFT
The diagrams on the following pages shows how pads can be placed in various
body areas.
They all follow the same principles.
The interferential electrical signal is created by the interaction of the signals from all four
pads (i.e. between the pads of each channel). So the pads need to applied in positions
so that the signals from each channel cross over the point to be treated.
The two channels add and subtract to create an interference pattern. In theory this looks
like the cross shaped diagram. In real tissue the pattern is difficult to predict and you may
need to adjust the pad positions until you can sense the stimulation in the correct area.
Chest and Shoulders
Building chest muscle affects posture and movement in the upper body as a whole.
flexistim instructions final.indd 46-47
27/11/2014 12:07