Measuring Diode.
Use the diode test to check diodes, transistors, and other semiconductor devices. The
diode test sends a current through the semiconductor junction, and then measures the
voltage drop across the junction.
A good silicon junction drops between 500mV and 800mV.
To test a diode out of a circuit, do the following:
1. Insert the red test clip into the
terminal and the black test
clip into the COM terminal.
2. Set the range selector to
For forward voltage drop readings on
any semiconductor component, place
the red test clip on the component’s
anode and place the black test clip on
the component’s cathode.
The display shows the diode forward
voltage drop’s nearest value.
When diode test has been
completed, disconnect the connection
between the test clips and the circuit
under test and remove the test clips from the input terminals of the meter.
Transistor testing.
To test transistors, do the following:
1. Set the rotary switch to hFE measurement mode.
Check if the transistor is PNP or NPN type
2. Insert the transistor to be measured to the
corresponding Transistor Jack.
The display shows the transistors nearest value.
When transistor measurement has been
completed, disconnect the connection between the
test clips and the circuit under test and remove the
test clips from the input terminals of the meter.