in the event of an external trigger source, trigger output will not be shown in the parameter list, as trigger output is
also achieved through external digital modulation interface (FSK Trig connector). This interface cannot be simultaneously
used as external trigger input and internal trigger output.
Figure 4- 125 Select external trigger source
When using manual trigger, the backlight of Trigger on the front panel flashes. Frequency sweep is output upon pressing
Trigger Output
When using an internal or manual trigger source, the trigger signal (square wave) can be output through external digital
modulation interface (FSK Trig connector), compatible with TTL level. The default trigger output is “OFF”. To change it,
you can use the multi-functional control and direction keys on the interface for selecting frequency sweep mode or press
Page Up/Down and soft function key Trig Out successively.
In internal trigger, signal generator outputs a square wave with duty ratio of 50% from external digital modulation
interface (FSK Trig connector) when frequency sweep starts. Trigger period depends on designated frequency
sweep time.
In manual trigger, signal generator outputs a pulse more than 1µs wide from external digital modulation interface
(FSK Trig connector) when frequency sweep starts.
In external trigger, trigger output will be hidden in parameter list, as trigger output is also achieved through
external digital modulation interface
FSK Trig connector
. This interface can not be simultaneously used as
external trigger input and internal trigger output.
Trigger Edge
Edge can be designated when an external digital modulation interface (FSK Trig connector) is used as input. When it is
used as input (i.e. internal trigger source), “rising edge” means that rising edge of external signal triggers output of a
frequency sweep wave, and “falling edge” means that falling edge of external signal triggers output of a frequency sweep
wave. The default edge is “rising edge”. To change it, you can use the multi-functional control and direction keys on the
interface for selecting the frequency sweep mode or press soft key Trig Edge .