Firmware Upgrade and Version
The time may come to update the firmware inside the VSet. Firmware updates fix problems that may exist and
improve on functionality in general.
The first step is to get the new firmware onto your PC. This will usually de via a download from the Telos website or
an email attachment from Telos customer support. The file will have the extension *.vspk. When the firmware is
available on you PC, click the Browse Button to locate it, and then click Upgrade to load it into the inactive bank on
the VSet.
Once the software loads into the VSet, it is now necessary to reboot the VSet into the new firmware. To do this,
click on the inactive bank’s radio button in the Firmware Version section of the GUI, and after confirming that this
bank has the new firmware on it, click Change Bank.
The VSet will reboot and when it comes back to life, it will be running the new firmware. To verify, you can look at
the very top of the GUI and read the software version and build date. If you are still not convinced, you can press
the Menu Button on the VSet and navigate to the About Screen.
DO NOT run the software on your computer. The software is meant to run on the VSet. So if you
have your browser set to automatically run downloaded files, turn it off for this process.
User Password
Here is where you will enter and confirm a new password for the web GUI. The default is no password, blank. All
current Telos default passwords are blank. So if a new password is created, you must remember it, or else you will
not be able to log back into the GUI.
If the password is changed and forgotten, it can be reset to blank by resetting the VSet to factory defaults. To do
this navigate to Menu / Setup (hold for 5 seconds) / Reset to Factory. For more information on resetting factory
defaults, please refer to the Setup Menu section of this manual.
Syslog Server Configuration
The VSet will communicate to a network logging system or a Syslog. If your studio network has a Syslog server and
you want the VSet to appear in the logs, enter its IP address here.