| Section 4
4.2.8 System
This menu consists of items that affect basic system operation.
IP Settings
This screen allows you to set various options pertaining to the network settings of your iQ6.
Host Name
The Host Name is a text string you can use to easily identify your iQ6 to browsers and other devices on your
Livewire network. 10 characters is the maximum field size.
IP Address
This set of four three-digit numbers specifies the unique network address of your iQ. During setup, you used
the front-panel controls to enter this address, but it may be changed here as well. This is a numeric-only
field, and each 3-digit sequence (“octet”, in IT terms) accepts numbers from 0 to 255. Do not enter leading
zeros in any of the four fields; for example, if your iQ6’s IP address is to be, simply enter Your iQ6 should have an IP address in the same range as the rest of your network (the first
three sets of the numbers should match those of the rest of your network), and the last 3-digit set should be
a number not used by any other network device.
The Subnet mask allows you to administer the size of your local network more easily, in smaller chunks.
All devices you wish to communicate with each other should have the same subnet mask values. Packets
addressed to a destination with a different subnet mask are sent to your gateway router, and not to local
devices. Like the IP address, the The subnet mask is a series of four numbers separated by periods. This is
also accessible from the front panel interface.
This is the IP address of a gateway router connecting your LAN to another LAN or wider WAN. You will
need to get this value from your network administrator. Leave it blank if you don’t plan on routing audio to
any other networks.