If cloud usage is enabled in the settings of the given device, the device keeps continuous
connection with the cloud server. In this case skip the SMS sending process mentioned
below. Cloud usage can be enabl
ed in the “
” settings menu. If cloud usage is
disabled, the
device will not keep continuous connection with the cloud server, it will only
connect upon request. Therefore, if this is the case, before trying to connect remotely to
the device, the request for connecting to the server should be sent by SMS to the phone
number of the SIM card installed into the device. The device accepts the request for
connecting to the cloud server from the configured and authorized user phone numbers. If
the connecting request is sent from an unauthorized user phone number, or a number
which is not configured in the device, the device password should be added in the
using the “
” parameter, as specified below. In case that the connecting
request command is sent from unauthorized phone numbers without specifying the device
password, or with the wrong password, the device will ignore the request and will not
send any reply to these numbers.
Send the request command for connecting to the server (
CONNECT,PWD=device password#
by SMS to the phone number of the SIM card installed into the device and wait for the device’s
reply. As soon as the device connects to the server, it will send the following reply:
Connected to
IP address:port number
device identifier
Using the “
” parameter is optional, according to the following:
the device password can be specified using this parameter. The superadmin and admin
passwords are both accepted (default superadmin password: 1234). The
is an optional
parameter which should be used only when sending commands from phone numbers which are
not configured in the device, or from ones which are configured, but for which other than the
Accept call and
don’t request password
" option is assigned in the “
Incoming call
” section – such phone numbers are considered unauthorized, therefore in this
case the password is required).
Example on the usage of the command mentioned above:
When sending from an authorized phone number:
When sending from an unauthorized phone number:
If cloud usage is disabled in the device settings, the device remains connected to the cloud
server for 10 minutes only and thereafter in case of inactivity it disconnects automatically,
therefore you have 10 minutes to connect to the device after it sends the reply message.
If no reply is received from the device within 1 or 2 minutes, please check if the settings are
correct and if the circumstances of sending the request for connecting satisfy the conditions
mentioned above.
Possible error messages:
Missing APN
the APN is not configured
Network connection error
the device is unable to connect to the Internet due to an
error, faulty settings, or missing Internet service