User account ID
: the user account ID necessary for Contact ID reporting to CMS. The events
and, if using the TELLMon or TEX protocol, the supervision messages are also sent using the
user account ID configured in this section.
The device replaces the user account ID in the
messages received from the connected alarm control panel automatically with the identifier
configured here.
The user account ID length is 4 hexadecimal characters and the following
characters can be used: 0..9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
The user account ID and server settings are only needed if reporting to CMS is used.
Primary remote monitoring server:
In this section you can configure the primary monitoring server or receiver availabilities.
: CMS server or receiver name. The name entered in this section is used for identification
of the server/receiver within the program.
select the appropriate communication protocol for the given server or receiver from the
drop-down menu. Each protocol uses the TCP network protocol.
Available protocols:
(ANSI/SIA DC-09-2007),
IP address
: CMS server or receiver IP address. When a SIM card with a private APN is used, and
the given server or receiver is not in the same APN, it is necessary to open the private APN
to access the given server/receiver IP address.
: CMS server or receiver communication port number.
Supervision message interval
: in this section you can configure the supervision message
sending interval, which can be configured from 30 to 86400 seconds, depending on the selected
communication protocol.
Time zone:
in this section you can select whether the given server or receiver sends the
timestamp used for synchronizing the system time in
local time
. It is important to select
the appropriate option for each server and receiver, since if the system time is set incorrectly,
events will be stored with the wrong timestamp.
SIA user account ID
: in case of using the
protocol, supervision messages are sent to
CMS using the user account ID configured in this section. The length of the SIA user account ID
is 1 to 6 hexadecimal characters, and the following characters can be used: 0..9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
Do not fill in the account ID section with zeros!
AES key
: the custom AES encryption key can be used for SIA IP protocol only. If an encryption
key is configured, the SIA IP packages will be encrypted with the given key and they have to be
decrypted on the receiver side using the same key. The maximum length of the AES key is up to
16 characters, or up to 32 characters in case of using hexadecimal format.
Send each message in a new session:
if required for the given receiver, in case of the
protocol it can be enabled to send each message in a new TCP session.
Group ID
: the CMS identifier in hexadecimal format. This is only required if the
protocol is
used for reporting to CMS. If you do not possess this identifier, please contact your reseller.
Device ID
: the device identifier in hexadecimal format. This is only required if the
protocol is
used for reporting to CMS. The length is 3 characters and the following characters can be used:
0…9, A, B, C, D, E, F.