ME310G1 Hardware Design Guide
1VV0301588 Rev. 16
Page 86 of 95
Not Subject to NDA
Information on Test Modes and Additional Testing
Informations sur les Modes de Test et les
Exigences de Test Supplémentaires
The module has been evaluated in mobile stand-alone conditions. For different
operational conditions other than a stand-alone modular transmitter in a host (multiple,
simultaneously transmitting modules or other transmitters in a host), additional testing
may be required (collocation, retesting…)
. If this module is intended for use in a portable
device, the user is responsible for separate approval to meet the SAR requirements of
FCC Part 2.1093 and IC RSS-102.
Le module a été évalué dans des conditions autonomes mobiles. Pour différentes
conditions de fonctionnement d'un émetteur modulaire autonome dans un hôte
(plusieurs modules émettant simultanément ou d'autres émetteurs dans un hôte), des
tests supplémentaires peuvent être nécessaires (colocalisation, r
Si ce module
est destiné à être utilisé dans un appareil portable, vous êtes responsable de
l'approbation séparée pour satisfaire aux exigences SAR de la FCC Partie 2.1093 et IC
FCC Additional Testing, Part 15 Subpart B Disclaimer
The modular transmitter is only FCC authorized for the specific rule parts (i.e., FCC
transmitter rules) listed on the license, and that the host product manufacturer is
responsible for compliance with any other FCC rules that apply to the host not covered
by the modular transmitter grant of certification. If the beneficiary markets his product
as compliant with Part 15 Subpart B (when it also contains unintentional-radiator digital
circuity), then the beneficiary must communicate that the final host product still requires
compliance tests of Part 15 Subpart B with the modular transmitter installed. The end
product with an embedded module may also need to pass the FCC Part 15 unintentional
emission testing requirements and be properly authorized following FCC Part 15.
ANATEL Regulatory Notices
"Este equipamento não tem direito à proteção contra interferência prejudicial e não pode
causar interferência em sistemas devidamente autorizados"
"This equipment is not entitled to protection against harmful interference and must not
cause interference in duly authorized systems"
ME910G1-WW, ME310G1-WW, ML865G1-WW Homologation #: 08566-20-02618