Assembly And Maintenance Manual for Telink BLE 1x6 Test System 3.2
Ver 1.0.0
During first time of firmware burning, it’s needed to configure product
information (product.ini) for EVK daughter board. Tick the “USB Id” box. Set “Evk
number” as Site number, e.g. “0” for Site0 (EVK0).
Then click the “Download” button to start burning. The log window keeps
scrolling until it’s as shown in the figure below.
Now the EVK daughter board (EVK0) is already burned with evk_testbench.bin,
test.tls, product.ini, id and other bin files in the folder.
Power cycle the EVK daughter board, then it’s configured as Site0 of Jig1 and
ready for use.
Firmware burning steps for other Sites of Jig1 are similar, except that “Evk
number” varies among 0~5.
Sites of other Jigs can be burned with firmware similarly, except that project file
varies correspondingly.