Use the
key to delete the entry
Use the
key to switch between capital and small letters .
Use the
key to switch between capital letters and special symbols .
Use the
keys to navigate within the entry line .
> When you have completed renaming the channel, use the cursor to mark the
and press OK on the remote control, the name change will be saved
> If you wish to exit from this menu item, press Exit . A query will be displayed, asking
whether you wish to save the changed settings . To save, confirm by pressing OK .
Alternatively, press Abort, you will be returned to the menu “Edit programmes” .
7 .1 .2 . Skip channel
In this menu item you can select whether a channel – in TV as well as in Radio mode – is
to be skipped when zapping through channels in sequence . In this case, the channel is
not deleted, it is only removed from the programme list temporarily
Use the arrow keys up/down to navigate through the programme list, and mark
the programme that is to be skipped .
Now press the yellow function key . The
symbol will be displayed behind
the selected programme name .
If you now use the arrow keys up/down to navigate through the programme list in TV or
Radio mode, the channel will be skipped . Unlike the case in which a channel is deleted,
the skip instruction can be easily reversed by simply inserting the programme in the pro-
gramme list once again (same procedure as described above)
>To exit from this menu item, press the Exit key . A query will be displayed, enquiring
whether you wish to save the changed settings . To save, press OK . Alternatively, select
Abort . You will then be taken back to the menu „Edit programmes“ .
7 .1 .3 . Lock channel
This option allows you to set a password control for specific programmes on the program-
me list
Use the arrow keys up/down to navigate through the programme list . Mark the
channel that is to be blocked
Now press the red function key
A locked symbol will appear behind the programme selected
This channel is now blocked in both TV and Radio mode, and can only be accessed by
entering the four-digit password .
To exit from this menu item, press Exit .
A query will be displayed, querying whether you wish to save the changed settings .
To save, press OK . Alternatively select Abort . You will be taken back to the
menu „Edit programmes“
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20.07.12 13:50