4. You must input various settings within this box. If this text box does not
appear, from the file menu choose edit collar.
5. The collar model will be automatically selected because the software
identifies the collar model when plugged in (If the collar or pod is not
connected to your computer by USB cable please manually select your
collar model based on the model identified on your packing list).
6. Select your location. This points the software to your temperature
7. There are two programming modes, calendar mode and repeat mode.
The user software defaults to the repeat mode. If you prefer to use the
calendar mode, uncheck the repeat mode box and two new boxes
labeled calendar from and calendar to will appear.
8. If you plan to use the calendar mode to program your collars set your
calendar from date to the date that your collar should start taking GPS
locations. Then set the calendar to date for the end date of GPS
function. Note: If the GPS battery will not support the length of time you
have chosen the software will alert you later in this process and you can
change either of these dates.
9. Set the GPS timeout to 60, 90 or 120. We suggest that you either use 60
or, if you think the GPS may require more time in your study area, test