12. Each point is numbered in a list on the right side of the screen. You can
find the distance between two points by clicking on the calculate button
then entering the point numbers into the text box that appears.
13. You can capture the URL for this map by clicking on the URL button. You
can then email this URL to anyone who you wish to have access to the
Turning your GPS data logger off
1. We advise programming your collar or pod to not attempt any
positions before you turn it off for storage. This prevents battery
drain if the magnet is inadvertently moved out of position during
storage. On the settings page, click clear calendar.
2. On the calendar page if you are in repeat mode switch to calendar
mode. Then from the collar pull down menu, click upload.
3. To turn off the GPS, install the magnet provided onto the same
location that it was when you received your unit. To confirm that the
GPS data logger is off plug into the USB port, run the software, and
on the settings page in the manual command entry text box (halfway
down left side of screen) type *h*m and press the ok button on the
screen. A text box will appear. The last line in the box will read
“main voltage….” Note the voltage reading in mV. Click OK. Repeat
the *h*m entry and click ok again. Note the new mV reading. If the
magnet is in the correct position and the GPS data logger is off you
will see that the value has decreased. You may continue to repeat
this process to confirm that the GPS is actually off. As long as that
value continues to decrease your collar or pod is off.
4. To turn off the transmitter tune the frequency into your VHF receiver
and replace the magnet on the VHF portion of the device. Be sure to
listen to the receiver so that you can confirm that the transmitter is
Final programming checklist
1. Edit collar
2. Create program
3. Upload program to collar or pod.
4. Set GPS additional time.
5. Remove magnets.
6. Set Time
7. Verify that your collar is working properly.
8. Waterproof USB port.
9. Verify and record the VHF beacon frequency.