Standard Features
User programmable GPS data logger with dedicated battery
GPS additional time
Mortality indicator (not available on pods)
Temperature sensor
VHF transmitter with dedicated battery (not available on pods)
Non-volatile memory
On/off switches (VHF at bottom of collar, GPS at top of collar)
User Programmability
You may choose to program your collars in one of two different ways. Those
choices are calendar mode (more complicated and more flexible) or repeat
Calendar Mode
Your GPS collar will attempt to acquire locations based upon a series of unique
templates that you create and schedule into the calendar.
Repeat Mode
Your GPS collar will attempt to acquire locations based upon a user determined
repetition rate. This interval may be expressed in hours (1-48), or minutes (1-59)
or in a combination of hours and minutes.
GPS Additional Time
Because the GPS receiver will turn off as soon as it acquires a location you may
find it useful to force the GPS receiver to remain on instead of turning off right
away. We call this setting GPS additional time. Remember the GPS will never
remain on past the timeout that you chose already.
The GPS module in the Quantum 4000 is very fast and could turn off in 1
second. That is fine but you would be well advised to force the GPS to remain
on for at least 30 seconds. This will allow the receiver to acquire additional
satellites and refine the GPS position.
This is a user setting and you may choose any number up to the GPS timeout
number. Example: If you set the GPS timeout to 60 seconds then you may set
the GPS additional time up to 60 seconds also. The GPS will never go past 60
seconds because you limited it with the timeout setting. With GPS additional
time set to 60 the GPS module will remain on for 60 seconds each time it turns
on because you forced it to. The result is increased precision.