Enable Register:
Enable/Disable SIP register.
The I Series phone won’t send registration
information to the SIP server if the register is
Display Name:
This field will display the User
Agent (UA) in the header.
Proxy Server Address:
IP address of proxy SIP
server. (A SIP provider usually uses the same IP
for the register server and the proxy server. In
this case you don’t need to configure the proxy
server information.)
Proxy Server Port:
Signal port of the SIP proxy.
Proxy Username:
Proxy server username.
Proxy Password:
Proxy server password.
Domain Realm:
SIP domain—enter the SIP
domain if any. Otherwise, the I Series phone will
use the proxy server address as the SIP domain.
Enable Message Waiting:
The configuration
allows or forbids Message Waiting.
Advanced SIP Settings rarely need to be changed.
Most of the settings should be left at Default, and
many are not applicable to hospitality phones.
Two of the settings you may (in rare instances)
need to change are DTMF Mode and Forward
Type (however, forwarding in hospitality is usually
handled by the PBX).
Register Expire Time:
Registration expiration
time. The default is 60 seconds. The I Series
phone will automatically configure this expire
time to the server recommended setting if it is
different from the SIP server.
Forward Type:
Call forwarding has three types:
Always, Busy, and No Answer. You may select
the type of forwarding here, and then you must
complete the configuration by Disabling Call
Waiting (Found in Advanced -> Call Service).
No answer:
If no answer after a set period of
time (No Answer Time is found in Advanced ->
Call Service) it will forward to the appointed
The caller is always forwarded to
the appointed phone.
NAT Keep Alive Interval:
The Network Address
Translation (NAT) is the process of modifying IP
address information in IP packet headers while
in transit across a traffic routing device. Keep
Alive is a method of maintaining that the service
remains active.
Forward Phone Number:
The designated phone
number calls will forward to.
User Agent:
The User Agent (UA) is an identifier
for the phone and is part of the SIP Header used
with every packet.
Server Type:
The particular IP/PBX system
supplier carries out the sign and speeches to
encrypt. The default is COMMON and should
always be used.
Signal Key:
Not applicable in Hospitality
DTMF Mode:
DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency)
signal sending mode: supports RFC2833, DTMF_
RELAY (inband audio), and SIP information where
DTMF is sent as a SIP message. (DTMF is the
acronym for the tones that are send from the
number dialpad.)
DTMF Tones can
be sent as SIP messages as well as audio
streamed tones. SIP INFO mode has two
differentiations in this drop-down menu.
The default of “Send 10/11” is recognized by