Panasonic KX-TDA Telephone &
Voice Mail Quick User Guide
This guide will help answer the most commonly asked questions
for your phone features. This guide will also help in the set up of
your voice mail service and provide a quick reference.
If you have any questions, please give us a call or
e-mail directly to [email protected]
For complete instructions for Panasonic phone system, please
refer to Manual Guide. You may also contact the staff at Metronet
Telecom for further questions at:
Metronet Telecom, Inc.
Telephone Systems
– Voice/Data Cabling – Local/Long Distance Service
2182 N. Cedar St., Holt, MI 48842
Phone: (517) 694-1101
Toll-Free: 1-888-694-1101
Fax: (517) 694-1120