Telect, Inc. • USA +1.509.926.6000 • 52.33.3836.37.52 • © 2010 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved, 126254-4 A0.1
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1.2 LCX Fiber Panels
1.2.1 General Information
Telect manufactures LCX Fiber Splice Panels and LCX Fiber Patch Panels of various densities
to suit company-wide fiber splice, patching, and routing requirements.
All LCX Fiber Panels are white or black metal chassis in various sizes (1RU through 4RU)
accommodating various fiber densities. All panels (2RU - 4RU) come equipped with front and
rear metal doors. All include cable entry/exit points near the panels’ four corners:
2RU through 4RU models vary in density from 24 to 144 fiber terminations. All have spring-
hinged removable front and rear doors, as shown in Figure “LCX Fiber Panels (Common
Physical Features of 2RU Through 4RU Panels)” on page 3. Knock-out holes at the top and
bottom of the panel allow for routing from splice panels to patch panels (and between patch
panels) vertically within the rack. Hole pattern and positions are compatible with panels
offered by other manufacturers, allowing expansion and replacement of those systems using
Telect’s low-cost LCX panels.
Interconnection and cross-connection cabling from above or below enter at the two front cor-
ners of each Telect LCX panel via isolation hooks and/or radius control arcs installed on-site
to suit the application and entry/exit direction. Eight split arcs and fourteen snap-in cable rings
are standard with each panel. Telect also offers two optional kits to satisfy cable manage-
ment practices requiring multiple arcs or guide posts to separate and isolate groups of
fiber cables.
1RU models have densities up to 24 fiber terminations. Instead of front and rear doors, 1RUs
have a removable sliding drawer that can be extended at the front or rear of the chassis to
maximize access to fiber connections. Pivoting arcs at corner entries and exits provide cable
Figure 2 - LCX Fiber Panels
(Common Physical Features of 2RU Through 4RU Panels)