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Demarcation Fuse/Circuit Breaker Alarm Panel
Power :: Model 125DM08
15. Before installing breakers or fuse holders and
output wiring, turn power on to verify input power
and indicators:
• Verify input voltage and polarity.
• Whenever power is supplied, expect the
corresponding PWR ON LED to light.
16. For output wiring, repeat Steps 7 through 12 for
BATT and RTN outputs (crimp output wires to
lugs, clean output terminals, and attach lugs to
output terminals).
17. Heat shrink the insulation onto the lug barrels.
18. Record the circuit assignments on the pull-out
designation card below the alarm display.
19. Install plastic covers over the terminals
20. Make sure output devices — devices fed from the
outputs of this demarcation panel — are disabled.
21. As shown in Figure 8, remove the blank cover(s)
from the position(s) you plan to use by unscrewing
and removing the small Phillips screw at the bottom.
Keep the hardware for later use.
NOTE: For safety, leave blank covers over all
unused positions.
22. With input power off, firmly install the circuit breakers
or fuse holders in the panel. Make sure the alarm
connectors on the rear of the breakers or holders
are straight before installation. See Figures 8
through 10.
Figure 8 - LEDs on Front Panel
CAUTION! Telect recommends that the individual
circuit load not exceed 80% of fuse capacity
(for example, 100A fuse x .80 = 80A max. load).
Figure 9 - Removing Blank Covers