3- Activation-deactivation memory of last value of light (light memory)
With memory function activated, by controlling the load in ON/OFF mode, at the
time of turning on the light respects the values it had before turning off.
With memory function deactivated, at the time of turning the light on the light is
set on the maximum value.
The memory function is deactivated by using the 7-channel transmitter.
four times
and hold down the push buttons
of the receiver. The led
flashes and the buzzer makes a beep each time.
- the led will flash 2 times if the function will be activated;
- the led will flash 4 times if the function will be deactivated.
This function allows to set the minimum level of brightness that can be
reached by the dimmable load.
1- Regulate the minim brightness to the level desired
2- Press the push button
P2 once and hold
it down. The led flashes and the
buzzer makes a beep each time.
The memorization of the minimum level is indicated by 10 led flashes and
To reactivate the minimum level of brightness to the default level, press the
push button
P2 once and hold
it down. The led flashes and the buzzer makes a
beep each time.
The memorization of the default level is indicated by 3 led flashes and beeps.
and hold down
2- To program the minimum level of brightness
2.1- Special setting to control LED loads.
This setting is used to improve the control of LED loads when there is a
flicker of light.
and hold down the push buttons
of the receiver. The led
flashes and the buzzer makes a beep each time.
- the led will flash quickly 15 times if the function will be activated;
- the led will flash slowly 3 times if the function will be deactivated.
N.B. if there is a change of load it is necessary to deactivate the “LED”
and hold down
4- Mechanical push button manual operation
Short impulses (<800 ms.) it turns the light on and off,
Long impulses (>800 ms.) it increases or decreases the intensity.
times and hold down