the files.
The Regesta PRO PLC incorporates independent modules for the WWAN interface. Depending on the technology
used, you will be able to pick modules from different manufacturers or choose several modules from the same pro-
vider. Firmware is generally independent from the device's software. There is an UPGRADE file for each WWAN
module. Please ask your dealer for the correct UPGRADE file (according to the module in your device). Refer to the
manual “
Dm 781-I Cellular Interface”
for information on how to upgrade the module.
A.2.1 Connecting to the router
You can access the device's CLI in two ways:
• Through the CONF. connector.
• Through the Telnet protocol.
A.2.1.1 Connecting through the local console (CONF connector)
The front panel of the Regesta PRO PLC has a DB-9 female connector known as CONF. that provides access to the
device's local console. You need to connect the CONF. port to an asynchronous terminal (or to a PC with terminal
emulation) in order to configure the connector.
• Speed: 9600 bps.
• Eight data bits.
• One stop bit.
• No parity bit.
• No type of flow control.
You can connect to the configuration port by joining a DB9 male connector cable to a DB9 female. You will need an
additional adapter if the terminal has DB25 connectors.
Fig. 18:
Connecting for configuration
A.2.1.2 Connecting through an IP terminal (LAN connector)
The Regesta PRO PLC router includes a default configuration that activates if you haven’t yet configured anything.
The router’s default configuration sets up the device with the following IP address and access mask:
• IP address:
• IP mask:
Some devices come with customized settings. This can mean that the default configuration is different
from the one shown above.
Teldat S.A.
Technical information
Regesta PRO PLC