Operating I nstructions-7844/R7844 Operators
Output Signals
SIGNALS, The A SAWTOOTH connector pro
vides a positive-going sawtooth signal derived from the time
base unit installed in the A H O R I Z compartment and the B
SAWTOOTH connector provides a positive-going sawtooth
signal derived from the time-base u n i t installed in the B
H O R I Z compartment. The unit of time for the sawtooth
outputs is determined by the setting of the time-base unit
Time/Division switch. Refer to Table 2- 1 , i n the Specifica
tion section, for signal parameters.
GATE S IGNALS, The A GATE connector provides an out
put from the time-base unit in the A H O R I Z compartment
and the B GATE connector provides an output from the
time-base unit in the B H O R I Z compartment.
When the A or B GATE selector is set to M A l N, the output
is a positive-going gate signal derived from the d i splayed gate.
When the A or B GATE selector is set to D L Y'D, the output
is a positive-going gate signal derived from the delay gate of
those time-base units which furnish a delay gate. The out
put is always positive when no plug-in u n i t is installed or the
plug-in u n'lt does not provide a delay gate. Refer to Table
2-1 in the Specification section and to the specifications in
the time-base unit instruction manual for signal parameters.
Display Photography
A permanent record of the crt display can be obtained with
an oscilloscope camera system. The instruction manuals for
the Tektronix osci l loscope cameras include compl et e instruc
tions for obtaining waveform photographs.
The crt bezel provides integral mounting for a Tektronix
oscil l oscope camera. The 3 pins, located on the left side of
the crt bezel, connect power to compatible camera systems.
Control signals are also received from Tektronix automatic
cameras to allow camera-controlled single-shot photography
(see camera instruction manual for further information).
The 7844/R7844 provides readout and pulsed graticule
i l l u m i nation to aid in single-sweep photography. To activate
the pulsed functions, set the R EADOUT I NT E N S ITY and
G RAT I L LU M controls to the PU LSE D detent,
When both the R EADOUT and G RAT I L LU M EXT/BEAM
2 GATED switches are set to BEAM 2 GAT E D , one read
out frame is displayed and the graticule i l l u m ination is turn
ed on at the end of beam 2 sweep (be sure the camera
1 - 1 6
shutter remains open a t least 0 . 5 second after t h e sweep i s
completed t o photograph the readout display and t h e grati
cule). The pulsed readout and graticule illumination func
tions can also be actuated by an external signal applied to
the rear-panel G RAT/R EADOUT S I N G L E SHOT connector
or by the front-pane! MANUAL push buttons.
For more information on single-sweep and photographic
related functions, refer to the Graticu!e Illumination, Read
out Display, Remote Grat/Readout Single Shot, Light F i l
ters, and Single Sweep I nput/Output discussions in this
For instruments equipped with Option 22
(Photographic writing speed enhancer) refer to
Section 4.
The 7844 Oscilloscope and its associated plug-in units pro
vide a very flexible measurement system. The capabil ities
of the overall system depend mainly upon the plug-in units
sel ected for use with this instrument. Specific applications
for the individual plug-in units are described in the plug-in
unit instruction manuals. The overall system can also be
used for many applications which are not described in de
tai l , either in this manual or in the manuals for the individua!
plug-in units. Contact your Tektronix Field Office or repre
sentative for assistance in making specific measurements
with this instrument.
The following books describe oscilloscope measurement
tech niques which can be adapted for use with this instru
John D. Lenk, "Handbook of Osci l l oscopes, Theory,
and Application", Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1 968,
J. Czech, "Oscill oscope Measuring Techniques",
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1 965_
J. F. Golding, "Measuring Osci l l oscopes", Transat
lantic Arts, I nc., 1 9 7 1 ,
Charles H. Roth Jr., "Use o f the Osci l l oscope", A
Programmed text, Prentice-Hall !nc., Englewood
CI iffs, New Jersey, 1 970.
Содержание 7844
Страница 6: ...7844 R7844 Operators 7844 DUAL SEAM OSCILLOSCOPE R7844 OPTiON 21 DUAL BEAM OSCILLOSCOPE 1675 12 iv...
Страница 10: ...Operating I nstructions 7844 R7844 Operators 1675 9 Fig 1 1 Front panel controls and connectors 1 4...
Страница 12: ...Operating Instructions 7844 R7844 Operators I Fig 1 2 Rear panel controls and connectors 1 6...
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Страница 46: ...Rackmounting I nstructions 7844 R7844 Operators Fig 3 6 R7844 dimensional drawing...