For easy installation and
best seal, thinly coat
O-rings with petroleum jelly.
Locking pawl
Replacing Locking Pawl
Sometimes with heavy use, the locking pawl can begin to wear causing poor engagement with locking gear teeth. This can
result in slipping or difficulty locking. It is easy to replace and can be done while hose reel is mounted.
1. Reel should be in fully retracted position ("home"), with hose stopper resting against guide roller collar. Be sure locking pawl
is not engaged with locking gear teeth, and that there is enough clearance between pawl and teeth to allow free and easy
removal and installation of locking pawl.
2. Unhook return spring from anchor point. Remove retaining ring with snap ring pliers. Remove old locking pawl and spring
from drum.
3. Attach new spring to locking pawl. Slide new locking pawl onto axle and secure with retaining ring. Hook return spring from
pawl to anchor point.
4. Verify function of locking pawl by pulling hose out and locking reel in position.
Install locking pawl
pointed toward
center of reel
Return spring
Retaining ring
Locking pawl
page 11
Replacing Air Inlet O-rings
The O-ring seals inside the air inlet assembly wear over time. If leaking around air inlet
is observed, O-rings should be replaced. An O-ring replacement kit is shipped with this
hose reel. Store in a safe place for future use.
For complete parts diagram, see page 6-7, centerfold of book
1. Relieve air pressure and disconnect lead-in hose.
2. (2a) Remove retaining ring and (2b) slide swivel connector off from air
inlet axle.
3. Remove worn O-rings from air inlet axle and replace with new parts. Reassemble in
the order in which parts were removed and verify proper seal with soapy water.