TECOMEC S.r.l. Strada della Mirandola, 11 – 42124 Reggio Emilia (RE) – Italy
Tel. +39.0522.959001 – Fax +39.0522.959060 – [email protected] – www.geoline.com
Level Sensor Display mode
In Level Sensor Display mode, the following is shown on the display:
Status of: Power supply, CAN, Unit of Measurement, Reserve, Presence of Calibration and RUN
status of Pump, if installed.
The level of liquid in the tank in the measurement unit set
A bar which gives a percentage indication of the filling level of the tank
Level of liquid
Unit of Measurement
Power status
(bilibk if alert)
CAN bus status
(blink if alert)
Sensor not calibrated
Problema su
rete CAN
(lampeggiante se insufficiente)
In Level Sensor Display mode, press the
button to access the Operating Mode Selection menu, or press
button to switch to Pump Display, if a pump is installed