Manual Storage Heater TTS with electronic control
Operating Instructions
The operation of TTS heaters is convenient and economical. The heaters charge over night.
Radiation from the casing provides a low level of background heat. The fan can be switched
on as desired increasing heat output.
Heater Charging Adjustments
TTS heater charging can be controlled either automatically or manually.
Automatic Control
The most common method of control for heating systems consisting of three or more heaters
is an automatic charge control. This control uses a weather (outdoor temperature) sensor to
set the maximum charge level and sends a signal to the heater. At the heater, residual heat
left over from the last charge cycle is compared and the maximum charge setting is adjusted.
When an automatic charge control is provided, there is normally no need for manual
adjustment unless an individual heater is oversized for the space. The manual adjustment
does, however, provide a convenient method of reducing the heat output in unoccupied
rooms or rooms where heating requirements vary, such as bedrooms, etc.
Manual Control
When only "Manual" adjustment of the TTS heater is needed, the exterior mounted control
knob must be installed. This is the knob that was found in the cardboard shipping support
used between the heater elements. The heater's thermal charge level can now be adjusted
by a simple turn of the knob.
Suggested knob settings for maximum heating comfort and efficiency are:
Summer weather
No charge
Cool weather
1/3 charge
Cold weather
2/3 charge
Very cold weather
Full charge