Controller Operation
The DMX Scene Controller allows for wireless dual switches to recall
pre-recorded scenes, controlling DMX fixtures and dimmers. Each DMX
Scene Controller supports DMX channels 1-48, with storage capabilities
for up to eight scenes.
Configuration of the DMX Scene Controller requires no software, instead
wireless dual switches are used for scene programming and assignment
of which scene is recalled for each switch action.
To record DMX scenes into the controller, you will temporarily need a
DMX control source (such as a control console; SmartFade, Ion, etc.).
After initial power-up, all 48 DMX channels will output values of 0%,
and the “Status LED” will blink at a rate of approximately two times per
second which indicates the controller is in scene playback mode.
During normal operation, if power is lost and returns, the controller will
resume its previous output.
At least one dual switch is required to be linked to the DMX Scene
Controller before DMX scenes can be recorded and played back.
Preparing to Install the Controller
The controller is mounted to an electrical junction box or panel with a
½” threaded nipple. The controller must be mounted on the outside of a
junction box either directly at the electrical load or before the load in the
circuit. The controller is for indoor use only. You will require hand tools
to gain access to the junction box and remove any cover plates or other
Installing the Controller
Review these instructions completely before installing the controller.
1. Locate the circuit breaker panel and turn off the power to the
Remove all face plates and other hardware from the junction box
so you can access to the wiring compartment.
The controller is mounted to the exterior of the junction box or
panel with the ½” (13mm) threaded nipple.
4. The ERDMX controller is provided with a wire harness that serves
12 - 24VDC power requirements. Refer to the wiring diagram below
to connect power to the controller.
a: Connect the black wire to the incoming negative AC or DC
Follow all local code requirements for terminating
wiring. Notice the harness wires on the controller unit
are pre-stripped for your installation convenience.