Issue/Rev. 0.6 (12/18) ║ MN01005 • Page 19
2-Bladed Double Case PD Meters Service Manual
Clearance Checks
Blade Tip to Housing Clearance (A)
Special Tool Required:
1. Spider
2. Feeler Gauge
With the blade held toward the housing, these clearances should be maintained between the
measuring chamber and the full length of the edge of the blade.
Rotor to Block Clearance (B)
Special Tool Required:
1. Spider
2. Feeler Gauge
These clearances between rotor and block should be maintained the full length of the rotor.
Blade Roller to Cam Radius Clearance (E)
Special Tool Required:
1. Feeler Gauge
With the blade in the measuring chamber, this total clearance should be maintained between the
radius of the cam and one roller only.
To measure blade roller clearance over radius portion of cam, insert feeler gauge and check
through radius. Compare measurement with clearance guide.
Check only one blade roller on each blade.