Page 22 • MN01005 ║ Issue/Rev. 0.6 (12/18)
2-Bladed Double Case PD Meters Service Manual
4 – Reassembly
Reassembly is essentially the reverse of the disassembly procedure. Be sure to observe the
reassembly precautions noted during teardown of the unit.
1. Should it become necessary to install a new rotor assembly into a meter, check rotor to block
clearances, refer to Clearance Check Section.
• If clearances are too small, block should be removed and the necessary clearances
provided by filing metal from the front faces of the block.
• If clearances are too great, the block should be shimmed to provide the proper
• Dress all rotor slot edges lightly with a mill file to remove any burrs, etc.
2. New blades installed into a rotor must be fitted to the meter case.
• After installation of blades to their furthest extended position.
a. Position any two adjacent blades to their furthest extended position.
b. Raise the assembly to a position over the inner unit.
c. Line up rotor so that the extended blades are just inside of the indentations in the case
(opposite the block) at either end of the measuring chamber.
d. Slowly, lower rotor assembly into position in the inner housing.
e. By means of the adjusting screw, lower rotor until it bottoms. If spider is used, there
should be some clearance between rotor and base.
• With the rotor in this position, determine blade end clearances for full length of blade.
Check Clearance Check Section for proper clearances.
• In most instances with new blades, these clearances will be found to be too close. When
this is the case, the complete rotor assembly must be removed and the blade ends dressed
• Support the rotor assembly in vice or vertically on wood blocks of sufficient height so that
the blade ends can be dressed down the full length, Figure 28.
a. Using a Vixen (Babbit Metal) file for aluminum blades and a course metal file for cast
iron blades, dress each blade to size.
: Care should be taken not
to remove too much metal from the
blade. Also, blades should have
sharp, clean-cut edges.
• After all the blade ends have been
dressed down, reinstall rotor assembly
back into the inner housing. Recheck
• If not enough metal is removed the first
time, the process must be repeated until
the desired clearances are obtained.
• Record these measurements as “as
assembled” clearances.
• After the properly fitted rotor assembly
has been lowered into the inner housing,
it may be necessary to turn the entire rotor
assembly, shaft and all, clockwise or
counter-clockwise a slight amount to line
up keyway slots in lower end of shaft and
the bottom of the housing. This can be
accomplished by using a short length of
1" x 4" board, inserted in the blade slot
between the rear of an extended blade
and the rotor housing. This prevents the
rotor and blades from turning on the cam
and forces the shaft to turn in the housing.
Figure 28