Fig7-36 In upgrading Fig7-37 “Version“ page
7.7 Factory Default
If you want to restore the system settings to initial status, please enter into “Factory Default”
menu via menu “MENU->Digital TV->Factory Default.
1) Move cursor to “Factory Default” option. Press OK to start setting. You are required to
enter password. Enter the default password “0000”.
If the password is correct, a new dialogue box will be displayed. It will ask if you want to
perform factory default. If you choose “No”, it will return back to previous menu. If you
choose “Yes”, it will perform the action. Once finished, it will return to “Init Install” menu.
Once you perform Factory default option, all the data such as channel list, user
configured data will be cleared.
7.8 Version
Via menu “MENU->Digital TV” to enter “Digital TV” menu. Choose “Version” option to enter
“Version” menu, as shown in Fig7-37.
“Version” menu offers some system information, including H/W Version, S/W Version, F/W
version, Build date and time, etc. Press MENU key to return to previous menu.