Fig7-21 Edit window Fig7-22 “Edit Channels” menu
If editing a channel, the “Edit channels” menu will display as shown in Fig7-22.
Edit channel name: Press LEFT or RIGHT key. An edit window will display. Input
the new channel name in according to the indications on screen. Press OK to
confirm and return.
Audio/Video/PCR PID edit: input new PIDs separately by numeric keys on remote
control. Press OK key to confirm and return.
7.3.5 Delete All
If you do not like all the TV or Radio channels, you can enter “Delete All” menu and delete all TV
channels or all radio channels.
In “Channel Manager” menu, press UP/DOWN key to choose “Delete All” option and press
OK key. The system will require you to input password which is "0000" by default. Input the
proper password via the 0-9 numeric keys on the remote controller. Then it will enter into
“Delete All” menu as shown in Fig7-23.
To delete all TV channels, select “ALL TV Channels” option and press OK key. Then the
system will hint with ”Delete all TV Channels?” dialogue box as shown in Fig7-24. Choose
“Yes” and press OK key to confirm. Or choose “No” and press OK key to cancel.
To delete all radio channels, select “ALL Radio Channels” option and press OK key. Then
the system will hint with ”Delete All Radio Channels?” dialogue box. Choose “Yes” to confirm.
Or choose “No” to cancel.
Fig7-23 “Delete All” menu Fig7-24 Dialogue box for deleting