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HD3 Sheep Handler Installation Manual
Racewell HD
The autogate comes with two airlines, installed on the leadup race
Two 6mm joiners are located under the raised ramp
Under the sheep crush (next to the rear loadbar) there are two lines coiled up
These are taped up for transportation
1 Untape the lines Lead them under the mounting plate that holds the rear
set of loadbars and pass them through the pipe welded on the off side
underneath the pedal section
2 Bring the airlines across to the working side of the unit and push firmly into
the 6mm joiner under the ramp
3 On the working side of the lead up race, there is a hole in the top rails
Using the long 12mm bolt and nut supplied, mount the ram with fittings
facing outwards Pull out the ram spear so that the ball end of the spear can
be bolted onto the gate bracket Tighten firmly using second bolt provided
4 The airlines can now be plugged into the ram One goes to the front, one to
the back Be sure to push them in firmly Remember if the gate is working
opposite just change the airline to the other side
The anti backing hook comes with two airlines These are coiled up underneath the crush
near the automation box
1 Untape the airlines and run them up through the hole in the floor of the unit,
then through the two cable ties on the outside of the crush wall and into the
fittings on the anti backing hook ram
2 Push airlines in firmly
The drafter attaches to drop locks at the front of the sheep unit Remove the wooden
transport supports The drafter will come with 4 x 4mm airlines These will have 4 colours
attached to the airline ends Please push the airlines into the side of the automation box to
the corresponding colours
The main air supply from the compressor can now be reconnected and the hoist lowered