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HD3 Sheep Handler Installation Manual
Racewell HD
This works in conjunction with the auto or bi-fold gate, and ensures that the animal can’t
backup in the Racewell You can control the speed of the hook using the airflow control on
the ram in the same manner as the autogate
The best-set speed is as slow as you can get away with If the end of the hook extrudes
beyond the edge of the ply, there is an adjustment on the spear of the ram
The hook can be deactivated using the ball valve on the ram
There is an airflow control on the front end of the entry gate ram that can be used to slow
down, speed up, or deactivate the entry gate Should you require the auto entry gate to be
deactivated, wind the screw right in to stop its air supply
This screw only controls the speed that the gate shuts If you have this adjusted correctly,
the gate can be made to operate very smoothly
On the off side of the crush at the bottom of the moving wall, you will find there are
adjustment holes
The width of the unit can easily be adjusted by pulling the moving wall towards the fixed
side, and filling with air Then pull the spring lock to select a different width setting
Size can also be adjusted differently from front to back if required This allows for a tapered
operating crush
The push length of the squeeze ram can also be adjusted In the middle of the moving wall
there are four adjustments for ram length
Adjust this pin so the wall cannot touch the opposite side This is a safety feature so that
hands and fingers cannot be caught in the empty unit accidentally As a guide when a
sheep is clamped the top face of the crush wall should be near to vertical