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RS-485 Network - Port Configuration
Here you will configure each of the COM ports for this site. Typically, you will leave Auto Detection of Controls on All
Ports enabled so the QD2040c will find and add the controller as they are included on one of the networks (wired or
wireless). If disabled, new controllers must be added manually in Ubiquity Cloud.
The communication ports are automatically detected once the QD2040c is powered up. Once detected each COM port
needs to be configured to ensure proper functioning of the network on each port. Each port can be enabled or disabled
from the drop down menu.
You must also select the proper protocol being used on each port. The current protocol selections from the drop down
menu are TCSbus or Modbus. You must also select the communication baud rate for each port. This setting must be
the same as all of the controllers on that port. You can also adjust the Time-Out Period for each port. TCS recommends
250ms for wired networks and 1000ms for all wireless networks.
Baud Rate:
(Default 9600) is the communication speed of the serial bus. You must also select the communication baud
rate for each port. This setting must be the same for all of the controllers/devices on that port.
Time-Out Period:
(Default 200) is the Time-Out period for each port.
Autodetection Range:
(Default 0,255) Is the lowest and address to start polling and the highest address polled during the
autodetected sequence.