Using Loco Functions
Pressing the numerical buttons on the keypad will operate the function
assigned to that number on your locomotive. When a function is turned
on, the function number will be displayed on the screen.
To select higher function numbers than 9, press the Shift button.
The new function page selected will “persist.” You must press the
Shift button again in order to continue through function pages. This
was designed to allow for easy repeated operation of higher-number
functions. On the left side of the screen, a small “1” or “2” will indicate
that you are controlling higher functions: 1 for F10 - F19, or 2 for F20 -
Change Speed
When the command station is powered up, all locomotives will be set to
speed zero, forward, with all functions off. To begin running a train, select
a locomotive as described in the
Select A Locomotive
section. To adjust
the speed of the active locomotive, rotate the knob clockwise to increase
speed, and counter clockwise to decrease the speed. The throttle will
always display 128 speed step mode but can still control locomotives
operating in 28 speed step mode. Rotating the knob more quickly will
change the speed more quickly.
Emergency Stop
The LT-50 has a unique 3-Stage Emergency Stop function. These three
stages are described below:
Stage 1:
Press the E-Stop button once to bring your current locomotive
to a stop.
Stage 2:
Quickly press the E-Stop button again to stop all of the
locomotives on the layout.
Stage 3:
Quickly press the E-Stop button a third time to turn track power
off completely.
When E-STOP is initially pressed, a small countdown timer will appear
in the drive window. Pressing the E-STOP button again before the timer
runs out will escalate the E-STOP to the next stage. To release any of
these stages of E-STOP, wait until the countdown has finished and press
the E-STOP button again.
You can choose to enable or disable any of these three stages from be-
ing operable. For example, you may wish to use the E-STOP button for
track power only. To configure this feature, navigate to:
Menu > Settings > Throttle Settings > E-Stop Settings