SIM Card Lock
Settings > Security & Biometrics > SIM card lock
Your SIM card includes information like your phone
number and voice/data plans, which can be compromised
if the SIM card is placed into another device. To help
protect it, you can create a SIM card PIN that will lock
access to the SIM.
Screen Pinning
Settings > Security & Biometrics > Screen pinning
Screen pinning allows you to pin an app to the screen and
block usage of all other functions of the phone including
calling, texting and other frequently used apps. This
feature is very helpful if you want to lend your phone to
another user, such as a child, so that they can only use
the pinned app. For example, if you pin YouTube, it is
the only function they will be able to use, and all other
functions of your phone are locked.
When you want to return to regular usage mode, hold the
Back and Recent Apps buttons at the same time for a few
seconds. To unpin an app, you may need the authorized
user’s security PIN, pattern or password.
Permission manager
Settings > Privacy > Permission manager
Some apps, like the camera, microphone, or location
services, access features of your device when they are
running in the background and not just when you are
using the app. You can give or deny such access to each
app and set your device to notify you when access is
requested for each category you select.