Settings > Connections > Nearby Share
This platform enables reliable and easy sharing of your
pictures, files, links, and other content across compatible
devices even if they are from different manufacturers.
Content will be shared via the method that the two
devices recognize as fastest: Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low
Energy, WebRTC or peer-to-peer Wi-Fi which will allow
Nearby Share to work even if you are offline.
For added protection, you can set your preferred visibility
to be seen by All Contacts, Some Contacts, or Hidden so
that you never receive files that you didn’t ask for.
Settings > Connections > Printing
Connect to compatible Bluetooth printers to print images
and documents. To install additional print service drivers,
simply tap Add service and install the print driver from the
Play store.
Split screen multi-tasking
Recent apps > Drag app to top left corner >
tap second app
The Split screen function is a convenient way to multitask
by using two apps at the same time. You will be able to
open the apps in a top and a bottom window for access
to both. In addition, you will be able browse the web
or send a text message with the split screen feature
enabled. This feature may not work with all apps.