Install canopy brackets
The frame has six embedded magnets to lock the top and bottom canopy in place. The kit includes a two
metal strips which needs to be cut to length and installed with superglue (not the supplied cement glue).
The final bracket should resemble a half-triangle. The inner tab prevents scratches and wires from catching.
1. Start with the bottom canopy and position it over the frame, make key markings with a pencil on the
side of the canopy where there are magnets located
2. Use a cutting plier or scissor to cut length of 10 mm, total 24 pieces (for four canopy halfs)
3. Make two bends, the first approx. 3 mm in from the end without adhesive and another approx. 6 mm
from the other end. Use a small plier to hold the piece to get a sharp bend.