3 – Installation
System Requirements
PC (Windows)
Minimum requirements:
tium II - 266 MHz (or equivalent) pro-
cessor running Windows 98 (Second
Edition) or Windows Me (Millennium
Edition), Windows 2000 or Windows
Pentium II
300MHz processor with 128MB RAM
or better (these requirements are for use
with Cubasis VST. Other applications
will have different requirements. Consult
your application’s manufacturer for fur-
ther information).
The US-122 is not supported under Win-
dows 95. We also do not recommend Win-
dows 98 First Edition, due to its limited USB
implementation. A fast EIDE hard disk is
required for throughput of multiple audio
tracks. 96MB RAM is the minimum recom-
mended, but with all digital audio pro-
grams, you will obtain better results with
more RAM. An SVGA graphics card is sug-
gested (minimum 256 colors, 800x600 reso-
lution or better).
Although this product has been checked
for use with normally configured com-
puters which meet the specifications
above, we cannot guarantee the opera-
tion of the product, even with computers
meeting the specifications, due to differ-
ences in architecture and implementation
between computers.
Chipsets are also a concern with USB
audio. We have found that the most
dependable motherboards are ones
which utilize Intel-based chipsets. You
can determine your chipset by going into
the Device Manager. On the Windows 98
desktop, right click on
My Computer
and select
. Click on the
tab, and then click on the plus
) sign next to
Universal Serial Bus
. (see illustration below)
The US-122 has been successfully used
with the following chipsets:
• Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI to USB Uni-
versal Host Controller
• Intel 82371 SB PCI to USB Universal
Host Controller
• Intel 82801 AA PCI to USB Universal
Host Controller
• ALi PCI to USB Open Host Controller
Some other chipsets, notably those spec-
ifying Open Host Controllers or OHCI
(rather than Universal Host Controllers
or UHCI), have been subject to occa-