1 – Introduction
Copyright and trademarks
This product is designed to help you
record and reproduce sound works to
which you own the copyright, or where
you have obtained permission from the
copyright holder or the rightful licensor.
Unless you own the copyright, or have
obtained the appropriate permission
from the copyright holder or the rightful
licensor, your unauthorized recording,
reproduction or distribution thereof may
result in severe criminal penalties under
copyright laws and international copy-
right treaties. If you are uncertain about
your rights, contact your legal advisor.
Under no circumstances will TEAC Cor-
poration be responsible for the conse-
quences of any illegal copying
performed using the US-122.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Win-
dows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows
XP are trademarks of Microsoft Corpo-
The full name of the product referred to
as “Windows 98” is “Microsoft® Win-
dows® 98 operating system”.
Pentium is a registered trademark of
Intel Corporation.
MIDI is a registered trademark of the
Association of Manufacturers of Elec-
tronic Instruments (AMEI).
Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of
Apple Computer
All other band or product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks are
the property of their respective compa-
nies or organizations.
Nomenclature used in this manual
The following conventions are used in
this manual:
Physical controls, indicators and connec-
tors on the US-122 are shown
This typeface
is used to designate soft-
ware dialog messages .
This typeface
is used to designate soft-
ware menu functions and on-screen con-