8 – Other Applications
It’s important to note that the US-122 is
fully functional as a 16- and 24-bit audio
interface and 16 channel MIDI interface
with virtually all Windows and MacOS
compatible applications. Since the US-
428’s release, TASCAM has been work-
ing together with developers throughout
the professional audio industry and
beyond to create support for new appli-
cations; much of this research will also
benefit users of the US-122. Since the
development of new support for the US-
428 and US-122 is ongoing and expand-
ing, we recommend you visit the Com-
puter Recording area of the TASCAM
Web site (www.tascam.com) for current
news and information, and check out the
online users’ forum as well.
These individual documents are also
available on the CD-ROM, as well as on
our Web site. As new application support
becomes available, we will be posting
the information for free download.
Setting up Sound Manager Support – pre-Mac OS X
Use the Sound Manager with ProTools
Free and other Mac OS applications.
The Macintosh Sound Manager is a stan-
dard 2-channel software interface for
playing and recording sound on a Mac.
The audio inputs and outputs (speakers)
that are built into any Macintosh use the
Sound Manager interface, and essen-
tially every Mac application that uses
sound supports it. This includes not only
audio recording and editing programs,
but also games, video editors, web
browsers, MP3 players, and even Macin-
tosh beeps and system sounds. Even
some audio-oriented programs only sup-
port Sound Manager I/O, such as Digide-
sign’s Pro Tools Free. The Sound
Manager input and output sources are
selected by control panels. The control
panels used are different in MacOS 8.6
and 9.0, and are explained separately
MacOS 9.0
control panel in MacOS 9.0
is used to select Sound Manager inputs
and outputs. With this control panel
active, click on the left of the window
where it says
to display the pos-
sible Sound Manager output devices. On
the right, click on
to select it as
the Sound Manager output. Use the out-
put volume slider to mute or enable
sound output. Moving the volume slider
to the right or clicking on it will send a
system beep out of the US-122 outputs.
When you click
on the left, the
available input devices appear on the
right. Click on
to select it as the
Sound Manager input device. Below it is
Input Source
”: select