© Tapkey GmbH, 1040 Wien
In case of further questions, please contact
the Tapkey support.
The period of limitation for rights of the customer
due to defects is twelve months from delivery of the
delivery item to the customer. For claims for damages
by the purchaser for reasons other than defects in the
delivery item or in respect of the purchaser‘s rights in
the case of fraudulently concealed or wilfully caused
defects, the statutory periods of limitation apply. The
limitation period regulations of Sec. 479 of the German
Civil Code (BGB) remain unaffected.
If you have any queries in addition to the information
provided in these Installation and Operating Instruc-
tions, please contact the Tapkey Support.
Tapkey GmbH, 1040 Wien
This documentation may not be reproduced either in
whole or in part, stored, transmitted or translated in
any form or using any medium without the prior writ-
ten consent of Tapkey GmbH.
This documentation is updated at regular intervals. The
publisher is always grateful to receive notification of
any errors or suggestions in respect of this documen-