Owner Card
NFC-enabled access media, bound to an individu-
al lock, allowing to activate or deactivate that lock’s
admin mode.
Admin Modus
Special mode a lock can be brought to, allowing
the execution of privileged commands like binding
a lock to a new owner or adjusting date/time.
Binding is the process of connecting a lock with the
online identity of a lock owner. Binding is usually car-
ried out once by the lock owner to take ownership of a
new lock.
Physical component to give physical access. E.g. cylin-
der lock, electronic door lock, etc. Might also be imple-
mented as access control component in a
vending machine, etc.
Access Card
Passive, NFC-enabled access media like a NFC Tag or
NFC Card.
Person or entity, represented by a user ID, who is
considered to own an individual lock and who is the
main authority to manage access to these locks.
Person or entity, represented by a user ID, who is gran-
ted access to for one or multiple locks.
Grantee or Owner. Is represented in the Tapkey
ecosystem by a unique user ID.
Manufacturer to manufacture the physical components
of the Tapkey ecosystem (lock, access media)
Tapkey Mobile App
Tapkey App, installed on a mobile device, which allows
users to interact with the Tapkey ecosystem, especially,
to log on to Tapkey and to interact with Tapkey locks.
Tapkey Admin Portal
Website used by lock owners to manage access.
Identity Provider
Entity providing online authentication services
(e.g. Google) who can be used to authenticate and
identify Tapkey users.
Tapkey Trust Service
Central cloud application, implementing Tapkey core
services. User interaction happens through the mobile
app, the admin UI and the manufacturing tools.