Section 1
Stereo Mixing
Since the 1950•s, two channel mixing, more affectionately
known as stereo, has been a worldwide standard through
the era•s of both vinyl (analog) and CD (digital) replay for-
mats. Originally conceived to improve the sense of spatial
location and ambience of a live recording, the two chan-
nel audio format, can only be described as having been a
resounding technical and commercial success.
Even as multi-channel audio formats are increasing rap-
idly in popularity for the home, two channel formats
remain a reliable and known reference for industry pro-
fessionals mixing in these new formats. With the
PS350B, the audio professional is able to reference
between a true full bandwidth stereo mix, and mixing for
the 5.1 format at the flick of a switch.
Congratulations on the purchase of your new subwoofer.
Both the PS350 and PS350B offer extraordinary features
and flexibility. The PS350 is primarily designed for home
use, while the PS350B is designed for professional use
through its balanced XLR inputs and outputs. Of course,
the PS350B can be used in a domestic environment,
while the PS350 can be used professionally if desired.
Both models are advanced active (powered) designs and
offer the same excellent acoustic performance. The
PS350 and PS350B are also fully compatible with tradi-
tional stereo and modern multi-channel audio formats,
and allows for simple upgrading from two channels to
multi-channel format at the convenience of the user.
The PS350B offers remote bass management, a unique
feature that allows the user to remotely select between
monitoring in a full range stereo or 5.1 multi-channel for-
mat, at the flick of a switch. This manual will help you set
up your loudspeaker system for this feature if appropriate
to your application.
Please take the time to read through the manual to
understand the features offered by your new subwoofer.
We understand your desire to get the system up and run-
ning as soon as possible. However, a little time dedicated
to reading and understanding this manual now will save
you time in the long run, and ensure that you obtain the
best possible performance from your new subwoofer.
Section 2
What is True Bass Management? (PS350B only)
Into today•s demanding world of audio, small high quality
studio nearfields and satellite speakers have become very
popular. Of course, it would be ideal for a speaker•s band-
width to be flat from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Unfortunately, this
is a bit unrealistic, especially for these bookshelf-size
units. There are design limitations to the low frequency
output of a speaker system if it must be small and play
loudly. Most of the LF drivers in these speakers are 4" to
8" in size. In real world design, the smaller the LF driver
is, the less it can effectively reproduce very low frequen-
cies. The most practical way to compensate for a small
speaker•s low frequency deficiencies, is by the addition of
a subwoofer.
True 5.1 Bass Management with the PS350B can be
achieved as follows (fig 3), given the availability of LF, C,
RF, RR, LR, and LFE discrete outputs from the signal
source. Connect the line level (LFE) signal source output
to the subwoofer amplifier LFE input. The Left Front,
Center, and Right Front signal source outputs should be
connected to the LCR inputs on the PS350B respectively.
In most cases, the Left Rear and Right Rear signals are
connected directly to their respective rear speaker amplifi-
er(s),which are then connected to the appropriate rear
speakers. The rear channel•s audio bandwidth is often
reduced through the DSP processor.
The subwoofer LCR line level outputs are then connected
to the respective speaker amplifier inputs for Left Front,
Center, and Right Front speakers.
The PS350•s offer Bass Management by summing both
the low pass frequencies from the LCR inputs, and the
LFE channel from the signal source. The PS350B allows
the user to defeat this functionby using the LCR remote
bypass switch.
Left F ront
R ight F ront
R ight R ear
Left R ear
P reamp
P S 350B
1 S ub
2 S ubs
C enter
F ive C hannel
figure 3