Opening a Saved File
To display a previously saved fi le in Graph form, specify the fi le
name to open it. If you wish to open an Encoded File, fi rst decode
the Encoded File into a Common Type File and open the Common
Type File.
To open an encoded fi le, it is necessary to enter a valid User ID and
Password. Enter the User ID and Password that were used when the
encoded Original File was created. Without the original User ID and
Password it is impossible to open the Original File.
Ex: Opening an Archive File: from the [File] Menu
Click [Open] in the [File] Menu.
Select the Encoded File you wish to view, and click the [Open]
button to view it.
Select a fi le to open
If it is a Common Type File, the info for the
selected fi le will be displayed
File extensions [.trc] for Encoded Files
[.trx] for Common Type Files