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the menu. After switching off the power supply, changed
values are kept in memory.
Set point adjust.
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.
Auto tuning PID parameters, set on or off.
Off is default value here.
On, when selecting parameter 2nd time.
On.A is played. This indicates adaptive tune. Bath is adapting
PID setting in background operation. When in On.A mode.
PID values can not be set manually anymore.
Changing the tuning (PID) parameters. 'Proportional band
value. Default value is 1, range 1 .. 100. (Proportional band
equals 1/proportional value).
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.
Changing the tuning (PID) parameters 'Integrator' value.
Default value is 200. Range 1 .. 1200.
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.
Changing the tuning (PID) parameters 'Differentiator' value.
Default value is 0. Range 1 .. 600.
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.
Set offset. The offset value is added to the displayed bath
temperature. I.e. when the displayed bath temperature is
20.0°C, an offset of 0.2 displays a value of 20.2°C. An offset
of -0.2°C will display 19.8°C. Range is -5°C .. +5°C.
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.
When tune is set to on, PID values can not be set. Change
tune to off en alter PID values.
Press page key to confirm setting when altered.