Keeping a swing frame stable and safe
is affected by 3 main dynamics of swinging
1. Combined weight of swinger and swing
2. Radius of the arc (length of rope)
3. Force of the swinging (how high up they are swinging)
Also, please note; the more slick the floor the more likely the legs
will wander.
The vigorous swinging of an older heavy person will need a
sturdier frame. Another heavy person may need only slight motion
and can do well with either a Homestand II or HPSI frame
For instance, here is a picture of 3 guys all over 200 lbs., about 650
Lbs total on the Homestand II.
The frame is taking the weight, but the swinging is very light. This
is very static swinging, back and forth well within the spread of the
legs. Also, note the Plywood Platform swing is about 2 feet off the
ground for a shorter radius and the legs are less likely to move
around in the front lawn.
On the same setup a 50 or 60 lb. child on a light weight swing (like
the 20 Lb Plywood Platform pictured here) can pretty much have
any safe swinging movement they desire, even on a hardwood
floor, just don’t bang into the legs. A 150 lb person can swing just
to the spread of the legs, go past the legs and the frame will want
to shift.