Whisper Page
SLT User Guide
Whisper Page: Receiving
This feature allows a user engaged in a conversation to receive a message whispered by another station. The user engaged
in the conversation continues to hears the second conversing party and hears the whisperer in lowered volume as well. The
second conversing party does not hear the whisperer. The Whisper Page tone is heard before the message is delivered by
the whisperer and after the whisperer disconnects.
A user hearing the Whisper Page tone can either receive the Whisper Page or release the second party and talk to the
To receive Whisper Page:
1. Hear whisper tone.
2. Listen to the whispered message when the tone stops.
To release the second party and talk to the whisperer:
1. Ask the party you are conversing with to disconnect.
2. Talk privately to the whisperer.