SyxthSense Ltd
Copyright © 2018 SyxthSense Ltd. All rights reserved - 04/2018
- 14/23
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NOTE: If the communication settings have been changed they are activated upon exiting the
Maintenance Mode - the device carries out a soft reset. Alternatively power cycle will activate
the new communication settings.
Parameter Storage
The configuration parameters are stored in the non-volatile memory. When the changes are carried
out via the display, the parameters are stored in the non-volatile memory when the controller returns
to a normal display mode. If the changes are carried out over the network (Modbus), then "NonVol
Update" flag is required to be forced on to save the changes. When configured via the display, when
the parameters are stored after the timeout or exit button.
Sensor 1 Text
Description for the Sensor1 (RI1/Network)
Default; 0 = Disabled
Note: Disabled removes Sensor1 Text and
Measurement from Display
0 = Disabled
1 = Room
2 = Floor
3 = Outside
4 = Zone 1
5 = Zone 2
6 = Zone 3
7 = Bathroom
8 = Sauna
9 = Bedroom
10 = Kitchen
11 = Cooler
12 = Flow
13 = Hot Water
14 = Tank
15 = Pool
16= Cabin
Sensor 2 Text
Description for the Sensor2 (RI2/Network)
Default; 0 = Disabled
Note: Disabled removes Sensor1 Text and
Measurement from Display
Sensor 3 Text
Description for the Sensor3 (Built-In
Default; 1 = Room
Note: Disabled removes Sensor1 Text and
Measurement from Display
Disable ECO Button
Disables the user cancel of the ECO mode
0 = Enabled (default)
1 = Disabled
Parameter Name
Parameter Name
Modbus Address (Only Modbus versions)
BACnet MAC Address (Only BACnet versions)
0..247 (Default 1)
0..127 (Default 1)
Baud Rate
Modbus / BACnet Baud Rate
0 = 9600 (Default)
1 = 19200
2 = 38400
3 = 57600
4 = 76800
0 = None (Default)
1 = Odd
2 = Even
Stop Bits
Stop Bits
0 = 1 Stop Bit (Default)
1 = 2 Stop Bits
Device ID (Only BACnet versions)
BACnet Device ID
(Default Auto=651001)
Service Pin (Only BACnet versions)
Bacnet Service Pin (when activated the device
sends BACnet I-AM message)
0 = Disabled (default)
1 = Enabled
Maintenance Code
Maintenance Mode Password
0000 - 9999 (default 6666)
Staff Code
Staff Page Password - Access Password to Further
Settings Screen
0000 - 9999 (default 0000 =
Default Language for User Screens
0 = English (Default)
1 = Finnish
2 = Swedish
Reload Default
Reload Factory Default Settings
0 = Off (default)
1 = On
Software Version
x.xx (Modbus/BACnet)