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At installation the dimensions of the fan and possible extension of parts by
the temperature rise has to be considered (provide flexible connection of
appropriate temperature/time class)!
4.4 Instructions for installation
Air ducting system
The suction side of the fan is provided with a connection for flange-type mounting of the air
duct (6 resp. 8 bolts M8 on the base plate). It is recommended to mount fire proof flexible
connections between fan and duct to avoid tension or deformation of the fan base. Flexible
connection should meet temperature/duration class as well as the under pressure at
operation of the fan. In each case smooth rotation of impeller must be insured.
Any risk of unintended start-up of the fan and any risk of touching the
impeller during above mentioned works has to be excluded (switch off the
fan and exclude possibility of unintended start-up).
Connection of the fan to the mains
Electrical connection has to comply with valid local regulations and must be
accomplished only by a qualified electrician. In case of unprofessional
connection guarantee will not be valid. The risk for this carries the operator
alone. Observe attached detailed instructions of motor and controller
supplier – since EC motor built-in, there are warnings for remaining voltage
after supply switched off. Type of permitted RCD protective devices observe
local regulations.
Power supply to motor has to be executed in the service switch placed on the fan. Electric
motor is pre-wired with controller. Control cables should be led through the black tube to
controller. To get to controller dismount the upper cover of the fan.
For control possibilities please see attached instructions of motor and controller supplier.
1~ unit: instructions of controller “Compacto”
3~ unit: instructions of controller “Invento”
The quality and installation of cables for electrical connection must ensure
uninterrupted energy supply, also in case of fire. The electric cable must not
touch or be fastened to the casing of the fan (high temperature!). If danger of
unintended switch off of service switch, it should be locked to guarantee
operation in fire case. Drill hole in position “on” into handle and provide with
a padlock (not supplied with the fan).