DePuy Synthes
Technique Guide
324.033 Pulling Device, length 240 mm
324.022 Drill Sleeve for LISS Insertion Guide
The insertion of the initial screw tends to push the bone
medially, especially in case of dense bone and/or unstable
reductions. The pulling device helps to solve this problem.
Insert the pulling device without the knurled nut through the
drill sleeve into the neighbouring hole of the first permanent
Stop the power tool before the entire screw length of the
pulling device is inserted.
Remove the power tool and the drill sleeve.
Screwing the knurled nut onto the pulling device allows the
bone to pull towards the plate. Since the tip of this instru-
ment has a diameter of 4.0 mm, replacing it with a 5.0 mm
locking screw still ensures good purchase in the bone.
It is important to monitor the advance of the screw tip
carefully when inserting the pulling device. Stop the power
tool before the pulling device is seated on the plate. Failure
to do so may result in stripping the thread in the bone.
Option: Pulling Device (“Whirly Bird”)