User Manual PILOT X
August 2021
Page 20 of 36
2.6 Voice Training
You can choose to do the voice training for all commands or as single word training.
2.6.1 Training for all commands
For voice train all used commands change
to the page “Training”:
During the voice training you will be asked to repeat all active menu commands and additionally the
commands for waking up PILOT X and setting it into sleep mode. Every time this training is started all
used commands will be asked to be trained once.
You can see the page
changes the output volume
changes the input volume,
45 …
changes the threshold when the
recording starts during voice training.
The control moves automatically with
the change of the input volume.
When you click on the icon the
control can also be set manually.
Increase it if there is some back-
ground noise while voice training.
„Start Training“
starts the voice training.
When it has been started the button label changes to
Pause Training“
, where you can pause the
voice training. Then the button label changes to
„Resume Training“
, where you can continue.
stops the voice training.
PLOT X is only ready to use when all commands have been trained!
Every time you can see
„Training pending“
in orange a
bove the “Navigation” button and LED 2 on
the PILOT X is highlighted in yellow, the voice training must be started. The same is when you click
Start Pilot
and PILOT X tells you
Please make voice training
This can also happen when only some settings have been changed. Then there are no commands
asked to be repeated.