depending on what type of chemicals you will be using.
Important Note: We recommend a water softening system be used to remove all minerals
(iron, copper, magnesium, etc.) from your water supply to prevent staining. (Chemical
additives remove a large portion of these minerals, but even small amounts can stain the pool
surface.) This system must be located on the water supply (fill) line before filling the
SwimEx with water.
If the pool's surface begins to stain (usually a light-brownish color), it could be due to
"colbalting" - a reaction of the pool's surface to the chemicals in the water. If you suspect
that this is the case with your pool, we recommend using a chemical agent called "KEETROL
PLUS". Keetrol Plus is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and will start to work immediately if
the stain is due to colbalting. It can be obtained at most local pool stores. Follow the
directions on the container.